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This is one place everyone should visit..its very nice, not to have cars and all here.. which makes it further disconnected and natural.. the huts the houses become part of it all.. #novabrasilaria #nova #brasileira #beach #island #ilhadomel #brazil #adventure #lovers #fun #food #travelfilmmaker #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #wanderlust #love #peace #life #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #traveling #freesoul

By August 16, 2016Experiences

This is one place everyone should visit..its very nice, not to have cars and all here.. which makes it further disconnected and natural.. the huts the houses become part of it all.. #novabrasilaria #nova #brasileira #beach #island  #ilhadomel #brazil #adventure #lovers #fun #food #travelfilmmaker #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #wanderlust #love #peace #life #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #traveling #freesoul

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