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Went for a drive.. followed the signs and ended up at the Portuguese woods.. an interesting park/jungle – woods in the city.. and very old too #portuguese #woods #curitiba #brazil #fun #food #travelfilmmaker #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #artisan #art #wanderlust #love #peace #life #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #traveling #freesoul #partners

By October 17, 2016Experiences

Went for a drive.. followed the signs and ended up at the Portuguese woods.. an interesting park/jungle - woods in the city.. and very old too #portuguese #woods #curitiba #brazil #fun  #food #travelfilmmaker #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #artisan #art #wanderlust #love #peace #life #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #traveling #freesoul #partners

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