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The amazing sights on our way to Nathai Gali.. its so worth the drive and to get a private car.. it costed us USD 18 for a complete day trip. It takes about 2-3 hours to reach Nathai Gali (which by the way is not happening anymore) and then from there takes about 45 minutes to reach Ayubia #nathaigali #murree #pakistan #roadtrip #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #wanderlust #love #peace #life #wunderlust #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #traveling #freesoul #partners

By March 10, 2016Experiences

The amazing sights on our way to Nathai Gali.. its so worth the drive and to get a private car.. it costed us USD 18 for a complete day trip. It takes about 2-3 hours to reach Nathai Gali (which by the way is not happening anymore) and then from there takes about 45 minutes to reach Ayubia #nathaigali #murree #pakistan #roadtrip #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #wanderlust #love #peace #life #wunderlust #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #traveling #freesoul #partners

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