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Day 6: Tired but happy that its all over and we can head back home.. but ohh.. lets get some tie dye stuff.. #newyears #festival #adhana #rionegrinho #curitiba #fun #brazil #food #travelfilmmaker #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #artisan #art #wanderlust #love #peace #life #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #travelingram

By January 4, 2017Experiences

Day 6: Tired but happy that its all over and we can head back home.. but ohh.. lets get some tie dye stuff.. #newyears #festival #adhana #rionegrinho #curitiba #fun #brazil  #food #travelfilmmaker #hopscotchers #nomads #gypsy #hippie #bohemian #artisan #art #wanderlust #love #peace #life #budgettravel #artist #digitalnomads #travelingartist #freespirit #nomadic #travel #travelingram

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